Energy lemonade mojito-raspberry
Energy lemonade mojito-raspberry
4 minutes
Recipe for:
for 1 person
Alligator Energy Guava-lime-mint
Alligator Energy Guava-lime-mint
120 ml
The basis of Barinoff is raspberry
The basis of Barinoff is raspberry
30 g
Fresh raspberries
Fresh raspberries
8 g
2 g
100 g
Pastry sprinkles (for decoration)
Pastry sprinkles (for decoration)
to taste
Preparation method:
  1. Decorate the glass: apply honey with a brush to the outer surface of the glass and sprinkle with pastry sprinkles
  2. Fill a glass with ice
  3. Add energy drink and raspberry base
  4. Mix the contents
  5. Decorate the drink with raspberries

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